TRIZ-evolution of Programming Systems

Abstract The procedure of systematization programming languages on the TRIZ-evolution base is considered in the report. The procedure of systematization programming languages is illustrated on the example of the programming languages paradigms development. The algorithm of presentation TRIZ-evolution map [1] of the programming languages paradigms is described. The complete analysis of programming paradigms as specified in the evolution of programming languages allowed to determinate the progressing and inheritance paradigms of programming languages. The major contradictions had been arisen in the modern programming languages is established [2] . With the using of TRIZ tools it is derived solutions of contradictions and defined set of the properties, which will be included to the new programming paradigm. The Imperative Paradigm, the Object-Oriented Paradigm, the Functional Paradigm, and the Logic Programming Paradigm are considered in the report. It is determined the principal contradictions which became the “moving force” of each new paradigm, solution of this contradictions on the base of TRIZ tools [3] . The evolution of programming languages by the criterion “from contradiction to contradiction” is formed. The TRIZ-evolutionary map on the base of TRIZ-tools which is used for transition on development programming paradigm is formed. The present approach usage allows forecast the appearance of new programming paradigms, new programming languages and new methods of programming. It becomes possible to determine the tendency of programming languages development and prediction of the next languages generations.