Observation of levels in /sup 13//sub. lambda. /C, /sup 14//sub. lambda. /N, and /sup 18//sub. lambda. /O hypernuclei

The spectra of levels in the hypernuclei /sup 13//sub ..lambda../C, /sup 14//sub ..lambda../N, and /sup 18//sub ..lambda../O, excited by 800-MeV/c kaons in the (K/sup -/,..pi../sup -/) reaction, have been observed at the Brookhaven alternating gradient Synchrotron. Data were recorded for scattering angles from 0/sup 0/ to 25/sup 0/, corresponding to momentum transfers from 50 to 330 MeV/c. The levels are interpreted in terms of a ..lambda.. hyperon coupled to a strangeness-zero nuclear core. The results provide insights into the properties of the ..lambda..-nucleon and ..lambda..-nucleus interactions.