Using methodical design for culture change in Dutch building design practice : karning by doing' workshops
Since 2001 the ‘integral approach’ has been propagated within Dutch building design practice, through continuously developing ‘learning by doing’ workshops. The organization of workshops started during the ‘Integral Design’ project that was conducted by the Dutch Society for Building Services (TVVL), the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA) and Delft University of Technology (TUD). The main focus of that project, which ended in 2003, was to raise the awareness of different disciplines about each others positions and problems in relation to building design, and to give an overview of issues influencing design integration, together with possible solution directions. Based on that project’s results and utilizing Van den Kroonenberg's ‘Methodical design’ model, a new series of ‘Integral design workshops’ started in 2004. The workshops are in parallel implemented as a part of permanent professional education of BNA and the Dutch Association of Consulting Engineers (ONRI), where they are meant to trigger the changes in (work) cultures of involved disciplines, and as a part of education of Master students at Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e). At the same time the workshops are continuously developed within the ‘Integral design methodology in context of sustainable comfort systems’ PhD-research project. This research project (2004-2008) is conducted within Knowledge Centre for Building and Systems (KCBS), cooperation between TU/e and the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, core area Built Environment and Geosciences (TNO Bouw en Ondergrond), and is part of Building Services chair’s research program, Building Physics Unit of Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning. In this paper we will explain the continuous development of workshops, give an overview of participants’ assessments (more than 100 professionals have already taken part in BNA-ONRI-KCBS workshops) and reflect on preliminary results / conclusions.