Assessment of distributed photovoltaic electric-power systems. Summary report

The purpose of this study was to develop a methodology for assessing the potential impacts of distributed photovoltaic (PV) systems on electric utility systems, including subtransmission and distribution networks, and to apply that methodology to several illustrative examples. The investigations focused upon five specific utilities. Three were actual planned future systems for Northeast Utilities Service Company, Alabama Power Company, and the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Two were synthetic utilities. Impacts upon utility system operations and generation mix were assessed using accepted utility planning methods in combination with models that simulate PV system performance and life-cycle ecomonics. Impacts on the utility subtransmission and distribution systems were also investigated. The economic potential of distributed PV systems was investigated for ownership by the utility as well as by the individual utility customer. PV systems isolated from a utility network were not considered. A summary of the principal findings and a brief description of the work performed are provided.