Microblogging: what and how can we learn from it?

Microblogging, the act of broadcasting short, real-time messages, is a relatively new communication practice allowing people to share information they are less likely to express using existing technologies (e.g. email, phone, IM or weblogs). We use microblogging as an umbrella term to include the posting of status updates to social network sites such as Facebook, and message-exchange services like Twitter, Jaiku, and Yammer. Microblogging has become popular quickly, catching researchers' interests as both a means of public, social information exchange, and a medium for collaboration and communication in the work context. The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to exchange insights into microblogging as a communication practice in enterprises, academic and social settings. We aim to develop an agenda for what and how we can learn from and better study this phenomenon.