Internet of Things Based Real Time Transformer Health Monitoring System

Transformer is one of the important electrical equipment that is used in power system. Monitoring transformer for problem before they occur can prevent faults that are costly to repair and result in a loss of electricity. The main aim of the paper is to acquire real time data of transformer remotely over internet falling under the category of Internet of Things(IOT ). For this real time aspect we take one temperature sensor, one potential transformer and one current transformer for monitoring T, V, I data of the transformer and then send them to a remote location. These three analog values are taken in multiplexing mode and connected to a programmable microcontroller of 8051 family through an ADC 0808. Then the values of all the sensors are sent sequentially as per the frequency of multiplexing of the ADC by Microcontroller. They are then sent directly through an Wi-Fi module under TCP IP protocol to a dedicated IP that displays the data in real time chart form in any web connected PC / Laptop for display in 3 different charts. The real time data is also seen at the sending end LCD display interfaced with microcontroller.