Using VLF Time Series from the INFREP Network for the Study of Pre-Seismic Radio Anomalies

This work presents an application of the Perceptually Important Points (PIP) technique for the analysis of VLF time series. The aim of the analysis is to detect anomalies with respect to the normal variations of the data trends. Such anomalies could reveal possible radio precursors of the earthquake. Since 2009, several radio receivers have been installed throughout Europe in order to realize the INFREP European radio network for studying the VLF (10–50 kHz) and LF (150–300 kHz) radio precursors of earthquakes. The time series used for experiments was collected during the Dodecanese islands earthquakes ($\text{MW}=5.6$ and $\text{MW}=5.7$) occurred on January 30, 2020.