A new feature-concept applied in cost estimation model for a weld assemblage : Additional Information

This paper presents a cost estimation model of weld assemblages. It is based on the product decomposition into parts and then into assemblages. The study is about a proposition of an original definition of welding and preparing features attributed to each assemblages. This proposed approach is based on knowledge modelling at the level of process and product perception. The decomposition of the product into features and the identification of cost features remain manual. The proposed model consists in combining two cost estimating model applied to the products and to the processes on one hand, we have used an analytic model for the formalizing of the welding time, of the electrode consumption and of gas consumption according to the different parameters of the preparing and the welding features. The decomposition into features allows to formalize the time estimating expertise related to the welding. On the other hand, we have used the parameter method for the cost structuring caused by the different feature cost preparing and by the feature cost welding.