MARC to providing better access to uiuc library holdings data

Taking advantage of the Web as a means for disseminating large datasets, libraries have begun publishing their bibliographic metadata on the Web--e.g., the University of Michigan, the University of Florida, and Harvard University. Initially, most libraries focused on releasing their catalogs as MARCXML, however, MARC consists primarily of string data with few, if any, URIs linking to ontologies or related resources. MARCXML was not designed for use with RDF. Libraries are now experimenting with disseminating catalogs as linked open data in other serializations, e.g., OCLC, and the British Library. Semantics compatible with RDF are being used, but specific schemes vary. Detail about holdings associated with bibliographic descriptions is still lacking, e.g., the volumes of a described serial title held by the library are not enumerated. This last seems a significant omission given that libraries are uniquely positioned to provide this information. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library has released 5.5 million bibliographic catalog records that include detailed local holdings information to allow consumers to know exactly which volumes or parts of the creative work described are available at UIUC. MARCXML serializations are available for downloading now. MODS serializations enriched with links to name and subject authorities and RDF serializations (using semantics) will soon be available. This poster reports on the development of workflows for this project, on the multiple formats of catalog metadata being made available through these workflows, and on the lessons learned to date.