Is Quantum Mechanics Relevant To Understanding Consciousness? A Review of Shadows of the Mind by Roger Penrose

1.1 The present essay explores three issues raised by Penrose in Shadows of the Mind (abbreviated Shadows from here on): (1) is classical (non-quantum) science incapable of understanding brain operation?; (2) are long-range quantum effects able to produce measurable changes in neural activity?; (3) why have so many researchers proposed a strong connection between quantum mechanics and consciousness? In connection with this third topic, I will argue that although Penrose is probably wrong about the physics of quantum mechanics being relevant to the (third person) neural correlates of awareness, the metaphysics of quantum mechanics may be essential to understanding the (first person) subjective nature of consciousness. In Penrose's approach these two aspects become inseparably intertwined, adding confusion to an already murky area.