연구논문 : 인사고과제도의 특성과 공정성 지각 간의 관계

As the competitiveness of Korean large companies gradually decreases, the managers became very interested in the job-related ability and actual performance of their employees. They have tried to implant various evaluation systems, but most of them have turned to be unsuccessful. One of main reasons the new measurement system have not worked out is the employees do not accept the results of the evaluation fair. They are doubt of its accuracy and fairness. This paper addressed what factors in various evaluation systems are highly related with procedual and distributional justice of each evaluation system. A survey was administrated to 1,061 workers who worked for large companies. We found that evaluation of ability and attitude as well as performance is seen as fair in terms of both procedual and distributional justice. In addition, employees who knew much about the contents and procedures of their evaluation systems showed higher justice perception than those who did know. Feedback was another main factor for increasing fairness. Implication from these findings also included in the conclusion part.