In the worldwide expansion of renewable energies, there is not only a need for weather-dependent plants, but also for plants with flexible power generation that have the potential to reduce storage requirements by working against fluctuations. A highly promising technology is provided by Combined heat and power (CHP) plants, which achieve high efficiencies through the simultaneous generation of electricity and heat. This is why they are also being promoted by the European Union. Also, the construction of biogas plants is usually linked to the construction of CHP plants in order to generate energy from the emission-free produced biogas. However, until now CHP plants have mostly been operated by heat demand (just like boilers), causing the generated electricity often to put additional stress on the power grid. The planning of a CHP plant, whose generated heat always finds a consumer and the generated electricity is simultaneously optimized with regard to an optimization objective, requires nonlinear optimization approaches due to the physical effects in the heat storage. This paper presents a methodology for optimized planning of CHP plants using Ant Colony Optimization. The selected optimization objectives are the power exchange, the tenant electricity and CO. It could be shown that all optimizations are at least 10% better than the heat-led operation. The best results were achieved with the electricity exchange optimization that can be up to 24% more profitable than a CHP in a heat-led mode.
Giorgio Graditi,et al.
Optimal operation of residential micro-CHP systems with thermal storage losses modelling
2014 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion.
Mateusz Andrychowicz,et al.
Evaluation of the flexibility approach in construction of Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecast 2015 by ENTSO-E
2016 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM).
M. Delimar,et al.
Optimal scheduling of a CHP system with energy storage
2013 36th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO).
Christian Blum,et al.
Ant colony optimization: Introduction and recent trends
Sanjay Misra,et al.
A comparative study on the ant colony optimization algorithms
2014 11th International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Computation (ICECCO).
Hongkun Chen,et al.
Optimal scheduling of combined heat and power units with heat storage for the improvement of wind power integration
2016 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC).
Matthias Günther.
Energieeffizienz durch Erneuerbare Energien