Berman and Hartmanis [2] considered the question of whether all NP-complete sets are polynomial-time isomorphic. They essentially showed that all "natural" NPcomplete sets are in fact polynomial-time isomorphic and, based on this result, conjectured that all NP-complete sets are polynomial-time isomorphic. The conjecture remains open and is difficult since it implies that P ~ NP. More recently, Joseph and Young [5,8] have introduced new classes of NP-complete which they denote K~, where k is sets any natural number and f is any one-one, polynomially honest, and polynomial-time computable function. They have noted that k the sets Kf do not seem to be polynomialtime isomorphic to "natural" NP-complete sets unless the function f is also polynomial-time invertible. Thus, if f is a one-way function, then it seems that not all NP-complete sets are polynomialtime isomorphic. In fact, it is conjectured in [5,8] that if one-way functions exist, then not all NP-complete sets are polynomial-time isomorphic. Further, since it is believed that one-way functions exist, it is also conjectured in [5,8] that
L. Berman.
Polynomial reducibilities and complete sets.
Juris Hartmanis,et al.
On isomorphisms and density of NP and other complete sets
STOC '76.
Deborah Joseph,et al.
Some Remarks on Witness Functions for Nonpolynomial and Noncomplete Sets in NP
Theor. Comput. Sci..
Osamu Watanabe.
On One-One Polynomial Time Equivalence Relations
Theor. Comput. Sci..
Ker-I Ko,et al.
On Some Natural Complete Operators
Theor. Comput. Sci..
Alan L. Selman,et al.
Complexity Measures for Public-Key Cryptosystems
SIAM J. Comput..
Paul Young,et al.
Some structural properties of polynomial reducibilities and sets in NP
Juris Hartmanis,et al.
On Isomorphisms and Density of NP and Other Complete Sets
SIAM J. Comput..