Comparative evaluation of two membrane distillation modules

Freshwater shortage difficulties make it necessary to find new sources of supply. Nowadays desalination is the solution adopted in many countries to solve this problem. All around the planet, regions with lack of freshwater match up with those with large amounts of available solar radiation. Therefore, solar desalination can be a suitable and sustainable option to tackle the water scarcity problems in those particular areas, especially in the coastal ones. Membrane distillation (MD) is a thermal membrane technology developed since late 60’s which uses low exergy heat to drive a separation process in aqueous solutions. One of its applications is desalination where thanks to its separation principle, very high distillate quality can be obtained. MD is a thermally driven process that differs from other membrane technologies in that its driving force, rather than the total pressure, is the difference in water vapour pressure across the membrane, caused in turn by a temperature difference between the cold and ...