Speaking modifies voice‐evoked activity in the human auditory cortex

The voice we most often hear is our own, and proper interaction between speaking and hearing is essential for both acquisition and performance of spoken language. Disturbed audiovocal interactions have been implicated in aphasia, stuttering, and schizophrenic voice hallucinations, but paradigms for a noninvasive assessment of auditory self‐monitoring of speaking and its possible dysfunctions are rare. Using magnetoencephalograpy we show here that self‐uttered syllables transiently activate the speaker's auditory cortex around 100 ms after voice onset. These phasic responses were delayed by 11 ms in the speech‐dominant left hemisphere relative to the right, whereas during listening to a replay of the same utterances the response latencies were symmetric. Moreover, the auditory cortices did not react to rare vowel changes interspersed randomly within a series of repetitively spoken vowels, in contrast to regular change‐related responses evoked 100–200 ms after replayed rare vowels. Thus, speaking primes the human auditory cortex at a millisecond time scale, dampening and delaying reactions to self‐produced “expected” sounds, more prominently in the speech‐dominant hemisphere. Such motor‐to‐sensory priming of early auditory cortex responses during voicing constitutes one element of speech self‐monitoring that could be compromised in central speech disorders. Hum. Brain Mapping 9:183–191, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.

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