Stentimplantation und Ballondilatation zur Therapie von Stenosen und Verschlüssen des Tränenapparates
PURPOSE To evaluate treatment of epiphora caused by obstructions of the nasolacrimal duct system with balloon dilatation and stent implantation. MATERIAL AND METHODS 28 dacryocystoplasties were performed in 20 patients with complete (n = 7) or incomplete (n = 13) obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct system. RESULTS Dacryocystoplasty was technically successful performed in 26 cases (93%). Recanalisation was not achieved in two patients with complete obstructions. 17 patients showed complete or partial resolution of epiphora during follow-up of up to two years (clinical success 85%). Complete reobstruction occurred only in one patient 9 months after balloon dilatation and recanalisation was not possible. CONCLUSION With a technical success rate of 93% and a clinical success rate of 85% dacryocystoplasty is a non-operative alternative for treatment of epiphora caused by obstructions of the nasolacrimal duct system.