Information structure and syntactic change in Germanic and Romance languages

1. Acknowledgements 2. Information structure and syntax in old Germanic and Romance languages (by Bech, Kristin) 3. Part I. Information-structural categories and corpus annotation 4. The theoretical foundations of givenness annotation (by Haug, Dag T.T.) 5. Testing the theory: Information structure in Old English (by Taylor, Ann) 6. Part II. Changes on the interface between syntax and information structure 7. Quantifying information structure change in English (by Komen, Erwin R.) 8. Tracing overlap in function in historical corpora: A case study of English object fronting and passivization (by Dreschler, Gea) 9. Referential properties of the full and reduced forms of the definite article in German: A diachronic survey (by Coniglio, Marco) 10. The cognitive status of null subject referents in Old Norse and their Modern Norwegian counterparts (by Kinn, Kari) 11. Part III. Comparisons on the interface between syntax and information structure 12. Word order variation in late Middle English: The effect of information structure and audience design (by Eitler, Tamas) 13. Preverbal word order in Old English and Old French (by Bech, Kristin) 14. Formal properties of event-reporting sentences in Old High German and Old French (by Petrova, Svetlana) 15. Subjects and objects in Germanic and Romance (by Faarlund, Jan Terje) 16. Object position and Heavy NP Shift in Old Saxon and beyond (by Walkden, George) 17. On the interaction between syntax, prosody and information structure: An interface approach to word order developments in Germanic (by Hinterholzl, Roland) 18. Contrastivity and information structure in the old Ibero-Romance languages (by Eide, Kristine Gunn) 19. Index of languages 20. Databases and annotation schemes 21. Word index