Advanced structural equation modeling : issues and techniques

Contents: G.A. Marcoulides, R.E. Schumacker, Introduction. W. Wothke, Models for Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix Analysis. K.G. Joreskog, F. Yang, Nonlinear Structural Equation Models: The Kenny-Judd Model With Interaction Effects. J.J. McArdle, F. Hamagami, Multilevel Models From a Multiple Group Structural Equation Perspective. J.B. Willett, A.G. Sayer, Cross-Domain Analyses of Change Over Time: Combining Growth Modeling and Covariance Structure Analysis. S.L. Hershberger, P.C.M. Molenaar, S.E. Corneal, A Hierarchy of Univariate and Multivariate Structural Times Series Models. Y-F. Yung, P.M. Bentler, Bootstrapping Techniques in Analysis of Mean and Covariance Structures. K.A. Bollen, A Limited-Information Estimator for LISREL Models With or Without Heteroscedastic Errors. J.L. Arbuckle, Full Information Estimation in the Presence of Incomplete Data. L.J. Williams, H. Bozdogan, L. Aiman-Smith, Inference Problems With Equivalent Models. H.W. Marsh, J.R. Balla, K-T. Hau, An Evaluation of Incremental Fit Indices: A Clarification of Mathematical and Empirical Properties.