The singular sets of area minimizing rectifiable currents with codimension one and of area minimizing flat chains modulo two with arbitrary codimension
1. When describing the interior structure of an area minimizing m dimensional locally rectifiable current T in jR, one calls a point #£sp t r ^ s p t dT regular or singular according to whether or not x has a neighborhood V such that VT\spt T is a smooth m dimensional submanifold of 2?. As a result of the efforts of many geometers it is known that there exist no singular points in case m ^ 6 ; a detailed exposition of this theory may be found in [3, Chapter 5]. Recently it was proved in [2] that
[1] C. B. Morrey. Multiple Integrals in the Calculus of Variations , 1966 .
[2] H. Fédérer. Geometric Measure Theory , 1969 .
[3] F. Almgren. Some Interior Regularity Theorems for Minimal Surfaces and an Extension of Bernstein's Theorem , 1966 .
[4] Enrico Bombieri,et al. Minimal cones and the Bernstein problem , 1969 .