Spatio-Temporal Analysis

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to present the result of spatio – temporal analysis of Inflation rate inEast Java Indonesia. Vector Autoregressive (VAR) is used to do the analysis. The conclusion of thisstudy are inflation rates in almost all the cities namely Madiun, Probolinggo, Jember and Malanginfluenced by the inflation rate of Surabaya in the previous month. Moreover the inflation rate ofMalang is also influenced by the inflation rate of Kediri in the previous month and inflation rate ofKediri is influenced by the inflation rate of the Sumenep in previous month. While the inflation rateof Surabaya and Sumenep not affected by the inflation rate of any city.Keywords: Spatio-temporal, Inflation Rate, Vector Autoregressive, IndonesiaMathematics Subject Classification: 6207, 62P20Computing Classification System: G.1.6