Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Rhel) 6 Server Installation & Administration
Today, the Open Source IT community is growing more comfortable with the open-source development model, reporting that open source will dominate as their Web server application platform and server operating system over the next five years. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server Installation and Administration is an excellent hands-on training manual for budding open-source infrastructure designers: It covers Red Hat 6 and its family distros: CentOS-6, OpenSUSE, Mandriva Enterprise Server 5, and Fedora 14. Chapter II takes you through the installation and administration of RHEL6. In Chapter III, you’ll be taken through the installation and maintenance of CentOS-6 server. Chapter IV covers a step-by-step installation, configuration and administration of OpenSUSE 11.3 server. In Chapter V you’ll learn how to install Fedora 14 server including installation and configuration of 389 Directory (LDAP) server and Sendmail. Finally, you’ll be taken through a hands-on training on how to implement network security to protect your corporate using Astaro Security Gateway firewall.