Research on Consuming Mode Control Strategy of Distributed Power Supply in Active Distribution Network

Active distribution network is the advanced stage of intelligent distribution network development. This paper analyzes the active power distribution network and its characteristics, determines the distributed energy absorption model, and analyzes the feasibility of management through coordinated control and global energy management strategy. The analysis conditions are determined for the establishment of comprehensive planning method and the design of typical absorption scheme, and the typical absorption pattern is formed with point and line absorption. The distribution of intermittent energy should be consistent with the distribution of load, so as to realize the absorption of intermittent energy on site and reduce the network transmission loss of intermittent energy. When the intermittent power capacity is large, the system adopts the line-absorbing mode with centralized access, which is superior to the low-voltage multi-point consuming mode. With the increase of line load rate, the effect of line absorption mode on intermittent energy centralized access is obvious.