Male hypogonadism in aorto-iliac arteriopathies.

In 43 patients affected by aorto-iliac arteriopathies, gonadotropins, testosterone, androstenedione serum levels were measured to verify the presence of a testicular alteration secondary to ischemia. Important signs of testiculopathies (increased gonadotropins and decreased testosterone serum levels) were observed in patients with flow alteration of the internal spermatic artery and in patients with obstructions of the common iliac. Plasma androstenedione levels were not decreased while the A/T ratio was increased in hypotestosteronemic patients. Ischemia might determine a functional block of 17 beta reductase enzyme, necessary to convert androstenedione to testosterone. The impotentia coeundi, which affected about 50% of our patients is not related to testosteronemia.