Integrated Weed and Soil Management
Impoortant Biological Information Needed for Bioeconomic Weed Management Models, E.E. Schweizer, D.W. Lybecker, and L.J. Wiles The Economics of Weed Control and the Value of Weed Management Information, R.P. King, S.M. Swinton, D.W. Lybecker, and C.A. Oriade Producer Attitudes and Weed Management, M.D.K. Owen Integrating the Management of Weeds and Impacts on the Environment: High Tech Research or Education Solutions, R.L. Becker Tillage Systems and Crop Residue Management Impacts on Soil Physical Properties: Implications for Weed Management, B. Lowery and D.E. Stoltenberg Mechanisms of Herbicide Leaching and Volatilization and Innovative Approaches for Sampling, Prediction, and Control, T.J. Gish, A. Shirohammadi, C.S. Helling, K-J.S. Kung, B.J. Wienhold, and W.J. Rawls Integrated Crop Management and Off-Site Movement of Nutrients and Pesticides, J.L. Baker, S.K. Mickelson, and W.G. Crumpton Microbial Interactions with Weed Seeds and Seedlings and Its Potential for Weed Management, R.J. Kremer Crop Rotation and Legume Residue Effects on Weed Emergence and Growth: Applications for Weed Management, M. Liebman and T. Ohno Tillage Systems and Weed Population Dynamics and Management, D.D. Buhler Cover Crops, Smother Plants, and Weed Management, J.R. Teasdale Application of Micrometeorology to Weed Biology and Modeling, J.L. Hatfield Weed Spatial Variation and Weed Management, D.A. Mortensen, J.A. Dieleman and G.A. Johnson Engineering and Application of Precision Farming Technology, K.A. Sudduth Influence of Weed Biology and Ecology on Development of Reduced Dose Strategies for Integrated Weed Management Systems, J.A. Dieleman and D.A. Mortensen Decision Support Models for Weed Management: In-Field Management Tools, A.R. Martin, D.A. Mortensen, and J.L. Lindquist Developing the Next Generation of Weed Management Systems: Economic and Social Challenges, M. Duffy Index