국내 폐기물 에너지의 잠재량 분석
Combustible waste can provide the energy required for industrial production activity or home life, and generally be classified as waste solid fuel (SRF : Sold Refuse Fuel), pyrolytic fuel oil of polymer wastes, gasification fuel of combustible wastes, and incineration heat, etc. This study examined the energy potential for domestic waste based on the statistical data (Generation & Management Status of Domestic Waste (2013)) published annually by the Ministry of Environment. The geographical potential was defined as the numerical values of the quantity of waste generation in statistical data multiplied by the average heating value. The technical potential was calculated from the recovery rate of representative waste energy technology. Based on the 2013 fiscal year, the geographical potential of domestic combustible wastes was 8,360,000 TOE/year, and the technical potential including waste gas, was presumed to be approximately 10,450,000 TOE/year.