Geometry of Chemical Graphs: Polycycles and Two-faced Maps

Preface 1. Introduction 2. Two-faced maps 3. Fullerenes as tilings of surfaces 4. Polycycles 5. Polycycles with given boundary 6. Symmetries of polycycles 7. Elementary polycycles 8. Applications of elementary decompositions to (r, q)-polycycles 9. Strictly face-regular spheres and tori 10. Parabolic weakly face-regular spheres 11. Generalities on 3-valent face-regular maps 12. Spheres and tori, which are aRi 13. Frank-Kasper spheres and tori 14. Spheres and tori, which are bR1 15. Spheres and tori, which are bR2 16. Spheres and tori, which are bR3 17. Spheres and tori, which are bR4 18. Spheres and tori, which are bRj for j => 5 19. Icosahedral fulleroids.