Fast Stream Cipher AA32 for Software Implementation

Stream cipher was worse than block cipher in terms of security, but faster in execution speed as an advantage. However, since so far there have been many algorithm researches about the execution speed of block cipher, these days, there is almost no difference between them in the execution speed of AES. Therefore an secure and fast stream cipher development is urgently needed. In this paper, we propose a 32bit output fast stream cipher, AA32, which is composed of ASR(Arithmetic Shifter Register) and simple logical operation. Proposed algorithm is a cipher algorithm which has been designed to be implemented by software easily. AA32 supports 128bit key and executes operations by word and byte unit. As Linear Feedback Sequencer, ASR 151bit is applied to AA32 and the reduction function is a very simple structure stream cipher, which consists of two major parts, using simple logical operations, instead of S-Box for a non-linear operation. The proposed stream cipher AA32 shows the result that it is faster than SSC2 and Salsa20 and satisfied with the security required for these days. Proposed cipher algorithm is a fast stream cipher algorithm which can be used in the field which requires wireless internet environment such as mobile phone system and real-time processing such as DRM(Digital Right Management) and limited computational environments such as WSN(Wireless Sensor Network).