Cluster Analysis of Seismicity in the Eastern Gulf of Corinth Based on a Waveform Template Matching Catalog

The Corinth Rift, in Central Greece, is one of the most seismically active areas in Europe. In the eastern part of the Gulf of Corinth, which has been the site of numerous large and destructive earthquakes in both historic and modern times, a pronounced earthquake swarm occurred in 2020–2021 at the Perachora peninsula. Herein, we present an in-depth analysis of this sequence, employing a high-resolution relocated earthquake catalog, further enhanced by the application of a multi-channel template matching technique, producing additional detections of over 7600 events between January 2020 and June 2021. Single-station template matching enriches the original catalog thirty-fold, providing origin times and magnitudes for over 24,000 events. We explore the variable levels of spatial and temporal resolution in the catalogs of different completeness magnitudes and also of variable location uncertainties. We characterize the frequency–magnitude distributions using the Gutenberg–Richter scaling relation and discuss possible b-value temporal variations that appear during the swarm and their implications for the stress levels in the area. The evolution of the swarm is further analyzed through spatiotemporal clustering methods, while the temporal properties of multiplet families indicate that short-lived seismic bursts, associated with the swarm, dominate the catalogs. Multiplet families present clustering effects at all time scales, suggesting triggering by aseismic factors, such as fluid diffusion, rather than constant stress loading, in accordance with the spatiotemporal migration patterns of seismicity.

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