Application software for analyses of creep crack growth dataEditor's note: The authors have agreed to make the source code for their software available at no cost. Please request the software directly from the authors

Abstract A generalized, interactive and user friendly application software has been developed for post data analysis of constant load creep crack growth (CCG) studies. The software is personal computer based and operates under MS-DOS environment. The software handles raw or engineering data of CCG studies on CCT, SENT or CT specimen geometry, under plane stress or strain condition. It enables the user to correlate creep crack growth rate with macroscopic crack-tip parameters such as the reference stress, σref, net section stress, σnet, stress intensity factor, K, and the energy rate integral, C* and Ct, of the time dependent fracture mechanics concepts. It incorporates a data reduction scheme and validity criteria for the C* parameter as recommended in ASTM-E-1457-92 specification. The validity and use of the software has been demonstrated in the paper by analysing the raw data of CCG studies on a SENT type specimen of a cast nickel–base superalloy.