Effect of integrated nutrient management practices on soil health, quality and yield of spinach (Beta vulgaris L.) grown on alluvial soil

An experiment entitled “Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management practices on soil health, quality and yield of spinach (Beta vulgaris L.) Grown on Alluvial soil” was carried out during Zaid season (2021) at the Crop Research Farm, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Naini Agricultural Institute, SHUATS, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design (RBD) with 9 different INM treatments with three replications involving 100% recommended dose of nutrients through inorganic and organic, integrated treatments of 0%, 50%, 100% of recommended dose of inorganic fertilizer and also boron along with 0%, 50%, 100% Organic manure viz., farm yard manure, and bio fertilizer (PSB @ 2 kg ha). Of all treatments T9 RDF + @ 100% (FYM + PSB) + @ 100% B has shown significant improvement in growth and yield parameters than other treatments. The treatments recorded the highest plant height 22.62 cm, number of leaves 12.38 on 30 DAS over the control treatment and yield parameter viz., fresh weight of plant per plot 2.27 kg, dry weight of plant 5.1g, and yield per hectare 74.00 q ha. The T9 was superior among all treatments under investigation for response spinach production.