Essays on Reference, Language, and Mind
Editors' Introduction 1. Reference and Definite Descriptions (The Philosophical Review 1966, 75: 281-304). 2. Putting Humpty Dumpty Together Again (The Philosophical Review 1968, 77: 213-15). 3. Proper names and Identifying Descriptions (Synthese 1970, 21: 335-58). 4. Speaking of Nothing (The Philosophical Review 1974, 83: 3-31). 5. Speaker Reference, Descriptions and Anaphora (in Syntax and Semantics, Vol 9. Pragmatics. P. Cole, ed., New York Academic Press, 1978, pp. 47-68). 6. The Contingent 'A Priori' and Rigid Designators (Midwest Studies in Philosophy 1977, 2: 12-27). 7. Kripke and Putnam on Natural Kind Terms (in Knowledge and Mind: Philosophical Essays, Ginet, Carl (ed), Oxford UP 1983, pp. 84-104).