Summary In a recent paper, Peng et. at. [I] developed an anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive model for the human annulus fibrosus in which fiber-matrix interaction plays a crucial role in simulating experimental observations reported in the literature. Later, Guo et. at. [2] used fiber reinforced continuum mechanics theory to formulate a model in which the fiber-matrix interaction was simulated using only composite effect. It was shown in these studies that, the classical anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive models for soft tissue which do not account for this shear interaction cannot accurately simulate the test data on human annulus fibrosus. In this study, we show that the microplane model for soft tissue developed by Caner and Carol [5] can be adjusted for human annulus fibrosus and the resulting model can accurately simulate the experimental observations without accounting for fiber-matrix inleraction. A comparison of results obtained from (i) a fiber-matrix paralic I coupling model which does not account for the fiber-matrix interaction (ii) the same model but enriched with fiber-matrix interaction, and (iii) microplanc model 1'01' soft tissue adapted to annulus fibrosus with 2 families of fiber distributions is presented.
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Introduction to the mechanics of a continuous medium
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Anisotropic and inhomogeneous tensile behavior of the human anulus fibrosus: experimental measurement and material model predictions.
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Structural and Numerical Models for the (Visco)elastic Response of Arterial Walls with Residual Stresses
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An Anisotropic Hyperelastic Constitutive Model With Fiber-Matrix Shear Interaction for the Human Annulus Fibrosus
Ignacio Carol,et al.
Microplane constitutive model and computational framework for blood vessel tissue.
Journal of biomechanical engineering.
Xiongqi Peng,et al.
A composites-based hyperelastic constitutive model for soft tissue with application to the human annulus fibrosus
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A framework for microplane models at large strain, with application to hyperelasticity
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Continuum Theory of the Mechanics of Fibre-Reinforced Composites