TrentoTeam at SemEval-2017 Task 3: An application of Grice Maxims in Ranking Community Question Answers

In this paper we present the Tren-toTeam system which participated to thetask 3 at SemEval-2017 (Nakov et al.,2017).We concentrated our work onapplying Grice Maxims(used in manystate-of-the-art Machine learning applica-tions(Vogel et al., 2013; Kheirabadiand Aghagolzadeh, 2012; Dale and Re-iter, 1995; Franke, 2011)) to ranking an-swers of a question by answers relevancy.Particularly, we created a ranker systembased on relevancy scores, assigned by 3main components: Named entity recogni-tion, similarity score, sentiment analysis.Our system obtained a comparable resultsto Machine learning systems.