Growth and Characterization of Aspirin Crystal in t he Phosphoric acid Medium
Medicinally important drug of aspirin was grown by vapor diffusion method in the phosphoric acid mediu m. Various studies were carried out on the harvested c rystals from this method to confirm the aspirin cry stal. The study of metal complex of the aspirin crystal has already been published by many authors. In the similar man ner, the aspirin crystal was grown by our group to analyze t h drug compound grown in the presence of phosphori c acid medium. The powder XRD analysis shows the sharp int ense peaks of the crystalline compound of aspirin a lo g with phosphoric acid. The FT−IR and FT−Raman spectroscop y studies confirm the various functional groups of aspirin. Also the vibration bands corresponding to the phosp ric acid were identified in the IR and Raman spec tra. These bands are due to the presence of phosphoric acid mo lecules attached on the surface of the aspirin crys tal during crystal growth. It is one more conformational study of aspirin crystal in the medium of the phosphoric acid. The band gap value of crystal was found to be at 4.3 eV in the UV−Visible spectroscopy study. Also, the mo rph logy of the grown crystal is identified from the SEM microp h tograph. The elemental analysis has been carried out for the title crystal by EDAX. The melting point study of t he grown crystal by capillary tube method matches w ith the melting point of the aspirin.
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