Foot and ankle

Anatomy and Biomechanics of the Foot and Ankle 1 Richard J. de Asla and Jonathan T. Deland Physical Examination and Orthotics 24 Ryan C. Goodwin and James J. Sferra Neuromuscular Disorders 41 Michael J. Botte Nerve Entrapment Syndromes 79 Aaron A. Bare and Steven L. Haddad The Diabetic Foot 98 Richard M. Marks, Lew C. Schon, and Kenneth J. Mroczeck Hallux Valgus, Hallux Varus, and Sesamoid Disorders 113 Jeffrey A. Mann Lesser Toe Deformities and Bunionettes 131 Mark E. Easley and Umur Aydogan Tendon Disorders 153 Sheldon S. Lin, Wayne S. Berberian, and Jonathan T. Deland Heel and Subcalcaneal Pain 182 Keith L. Wapner and Rajeev D. Puri Degenerative Joint Disease of the Ankle and Hindfoot 195 Todd A. Kile and Marc Bouchard Degenerative Joint Disease of the Midfoot and Forefoot 221 R. Todd Allen, Kevin B. Fricka, and Michael Erik Brage 11.1 Midfoot Arthritis 221 11.2 Forefoot Arthritis 227 Acute Ankle Sprain, Chronic Ankle Instability, and Subtalar Laxity 2 Gregory C. Berlet, Mark M. D'Onofrio, and Thomas H. Lee Ankle and Subtalar Arthroscopy 250 Ellis K. Nam and Richard D. Ferkel 13.1 Ankle Arthroscopy 250 13.2 Subtalar Arthroscopy 281 Foot and Ankle Trauma 288 David B. Thordarson Index 319