A suite of heterogeneous sensors and their controlling agents which are measuring the dynamics of a plant are considered. The sensor agents interact in real time via a communications network. The problem is to find an unbiased estimate of the plant state given that the data available is dynamic, noisy, and given in a multiplicity of representations. The approach proposed is unique because it does not attempt to transform the data to a common representation. Rather we establish a framework which we call the multiple agent hybrid estimation architecture (MAHEA) in which we allow heterogeneous data to flow between agents to improve their estimates of plant state. We give a brief review of Kohn-Nerode extraction procedure for hybrid systems. We show how we can construct a special optimization criterion for a plant estimation optimization problem, the estimation Lagrangian. The type of Lagrangian that we need to construct is special for the plant estimation problem in that we want the Lagrangian to be 0 at each point where the agent has reached the desired estimate of the plant. Such Lagrangians are not suitable for most control problems. Finally, we describe our mechanism to solve the problems of agent synchronization and of how agents with different models can produce coherent and compatible estimates of the plant. Our solutions to these problems use the Noether invariance conditions in a novel way.
Anil Nerode,et al.
Models for Hybrid Systems: Automata, Topologies, Controllability, Observability
Hybrid Systems.
R. Bellman.
Calculus of Variations (L. E. Elsgolc)
Anil Nerode,et al.
Hybrid Systems as Finsler Manifolds: Finite State Control as Approximation to Connections
Hybrid Systems.
Anil Nerode,et al.
Multiple Agent Hybrid Control Architecture
Hybrid Systems.
Donald E. Kirk,et al.
Optimal Control Theory
A. Nerode,et al.
Multiple agent autonomous hybrid control systems
[1992] Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.