What's New in Uml 2.0? What's New in Uml ™ 2.0? What's New in Uml 2.0? Page 2

Introduction The early part of the 1990s saw a greatly heightened interest in the object paradigm and related technologies. New object-based programming languages, such as SmallTalk, Eiffel, C++, and Java, were devised and adopted. These were accompanied by a prodigious and confusing glut of object-oriented (OO) software design methods and modeling notations. Thus, in his very thorough overview of OO analysis and design methods (covering more than 800 pages), Graham lists more than 50 " seminal " methods [Graham01]. Given that the object paradigm consists of relatively few fundamental concepts, including encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, there was clearly heavy overlap and conceptual alignment across these methods—much of which was obscured by notational and other differences of no consequence. This caused great confusion and needless market fragmentation, which, in turn, impeded the adoption of the useful new paradigm. Software developers had to make difficult and binding choices between mutually incompatible languages, tools, methods, and vendors.