Over 500 Days’ Survival of a Goat with a Total Artificial Heart with 1/R Control

The 1/R control was developed to provide control over the output of a total artificial heart (TAH) by the central nervous system by using the peripheral vascular conductance (1/R) the vasodilatation in for the control signal. The physiologic stability of the 1/R control algorithm was tested by using goats with TAH. To apply the 1/R control equation to TAH in goats, real-time and continuous measurements of cardiac output, aortic pressure, and right atrial pressure were performed throughout the survival period. Left atrial pressure was also measured, to prevent lung edema. Under the 1/R control, 532 days’ survival was obtained in a goat with a TAH. Findings over the course of the experiment showed no hemodynamic or metabolic abnormality. Autopsy findings showed macroscopically no congestion in the liver. The experiment demonstrated the physiologic stability of the 1/R control algorithm for an extended period. Improvement of methods for measurement, such as the development of feasible techniques for the noninvasive measurement of the required hemodynamic parameters, will make it possible to use 1/R control in practice, especially for a totally implantable TAH system.