MDT Resolution Simulation Frontend Electronics Requirements

In order to de ne the MDT frontend electronics requirements, a full chain simulation of the MDT response to charged particle tracks was performed. The induced current signal was simulated with GARFIELD, MDT and frontend electronics were simulated with PSPICE and a stand alone program. The simulation was checked in two ways: Pulseshapes recorded with a digital scope were compared to GARFIELD + PSPICE simulated signals. The resolution simulation was compared to testbeam measurements. After getting con dence in the simulation, a scan over frontend parameters like preamp peaking time, lter constants and threshold settings was performed in order to optimize resolution, hit rate, trailing edge resolution and deadtime. Further on the resolution improvement by performing a time slewing correction with a double threshold discriminator or a leading edge charge measurement was studied. The use of a strong tail cancellation channel for double track separation was studied as well. 1