Alcoholic thionin counterstaining following Golgi dichromate-silver impregnation.

Brains of cats that had been fixed 2 months or longer in 10% formalin were cut into 3–6 mm. slices and impregnated by Golgi's dichromate-silver procedure (6% dichromate solution, 4–6 days; 1.5% silver nitrate solution 2 days). Sections 100 µ thick were cut after embedding in low melting point paraffin. Three changes of xylene and three of absolute alcohol were followed by staining 3–5 minutes in a saturated solution of thionin in absolute alcohol. The sections were dipped quickly in absolute alcohol and cleared in xylene, then differentiation was effected by an equal-parts mixture of absolute alcohol and xylene. A final clearing in three changes of xylene and mounting in Permount completed the process. Counter-staining was most successful when applied to freshly cut sections.