Portable XRF를 이용한 어린이 야외 놀이용품의 중금속 측정

The present study was conducted to judge the applicability of field quality control by children`s goods manufacturers by assessing the contents of heavy metals such as Pb and Cd in outdoor play goods for children through measurement using Portable XRF and comparing the results through detailed analyses using ICP. Heavy metal contents of 711 part samples of 505 products were measured using XRF. According to the results, the ratio of products that exceeded the Pb and Cd content standards specified under the Quality Management and Safety Control of Industrial Products Act were 2.4% and 2.6%. Many products certified for self-regulated safety exceeded the standards and thus it was considered that harmful chemical material centered safety management systems would be necessary. Detailed ICP analyses of some products were compared and the results showed deviations of 0.9∼80.8% from XRF results. The reasons for this are deviations in the characteristics of measured cross sections and the homogeneity of samples resulting from sample preparation methods, etc. Therefore, it is considered that field quality control will be applicable if measuring methods are efficiently established based on product characteristics and calibration curve preparation methods are established through quality control.