저궤도 위성의 대기권 재진입 시 생존성 및 피해확률 분석

LEO(Low Earth Orbit) Satellite which is discarded should be reentered to atmosphere in 25 years by "25 years rule" of IADC(Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee) Guidelines. If the parts of satellite are survived from severe aerothermodynamic condition, it could damage to human and property. South Korea operates KOMPSAT-2 and STSAT series as LEO satellite. It is necessary to dispose of them by reentering atmosphere. Therefore this paper analyze the trajectory, survivability, casualty area and casualty probability of a virtual LEO satellite using ESA(European Space Agency)"s DRAMA(Debris Risk Assesment and Mitigation Analysis) tool. As a result, it is noted that casuality area is 15.2742m² and casualty probability is 5.9614E-03 then will be survived 198.831kg.