Operating experience with a daily-dispatched LM-5000 STIG cogeneration plant
The Yuba City Cogeneration Plant is a unique facility as it is a daily-dispatched LM-5000 steam injected gas turbine (STIG) that operates only during the peak summer months. This paper discusses the unique design, operation and maintenance requirements of the LM-5000 STIG. Engine operating history and maintenance problems are discussed. Reliability and availability data for the first three summer peak seasons are presented and compared with other cogeneration plant performance data. Calculations are based on North American Reliability Council/Generating Availability Data System (NERC/GADS) as a basis for operating statistic comparisons (1990). The LM-5000 STIG has demonstrated operating reliability and availability under daily cycling operation that is comparable to other base loaded aero-derivative cogeneration plants.