Computer Graphics. An Accurate, Fast Method Using Graphics Hardware for Rendering Shafts of Light.

An important element in enhancing the reality of computer graphics is the effect of atmospheric scattering. This effect creates shafts of light when atmospheric particles are illuminated. We have developed an accurate and fast method for displaying shafts of light produced by studio spotlights. To calculate the intensity of the light reaching the viewpoint, multiple semi-transparent planes are placed in front of the viewpoint. The intensities of these planes are set to the intensities of the light reaching the viewpoint. The shafts of light are displayed based on the intensities of the planes. These processes are accelerated by graphics hardware, using, in particular, color blending, texture mapping, shadow mapping, and multi-texturing functions. The proposed method renders the shafts of light very quickly, making it useful for designing lighting effects in sudios, on stages, and so on. キ ー ワー ド:光 跡,リ ア ル タ イム レン ダ リン グ,グ ラ フ ィッ クスハ ー ドウ ェア,大 気 の散 乱 効 果