경찰 지식관리체계의 운영실태 및 발전방안 연구
The purpose of this study was to assess current status of the knowledge management system based on policemen's perception and attitude as users. In order to collect data, a survey, which consisted of 28 questions on satisfaction, efficiency, conveniency of the system, was distributed to policemen over the country. Finally, 469 policemen of various locations and tasks responded the survey and the data was analyzed by several statistical methods such as categorical data analysis, mean comparisons, correlation and regression models. Results showed that first, policemen were relatively unsatisfied with selection process and performance of 'knowledge professionals' although overall satisfaction was more than medium; second, legal and task-related contents, compared with others, were most applicable; third, policemen highly agreed with need and usefulness of knowledge sharing but not agreed with the conveniency of the current system; four, policemen regularly logged in the system to obtain task-related knowledge but suffered from limited time due to overloaded works; five, it was answered that there were lots of 'tacit knowledge' and need to revise the system in terms of accuracy of contents. Based on the survey results, selection and evaluation process of 'knowledge professionals' needed to be changed. Since performance of knowledge professionals was directly related to the quality of content, more objective processes for knowledge professionals including incentives and prior evaluation of contents have to be adopted.
Conveniency of the system may be the most important factor of user-friendly operation. Since a searching function can improve efficiency of system operation as well as evaluation of contents and tacit knowledge, the searching function needs to be more powerful. Overall, the efforts to change various aspects of the knowledge management system should be taken as the social environments around policemen works have changed. In addition, the limitations and directions for further research were provided.