Role of mycobacterium w as adjuvant treatment of lung cancer (non-small cell lung cancer).

Mycobacterium w (immuvac), a new potent immunomodulator was evaluated as an adjuvant therapy in the management of non-small cell lung cancer in a controlled clinical trial. The standard therapy employed was combination chemotherapy in the form of cisplatin and etoposide along with radiotherapy. The group receiving mycobacterium w tolerated the chemotherapy and radiotherapy well and completed it as planned, in contrast to premature stoppage of radiotherapy in 50% of patients in the control group. Improvement in quality of life as measured by Karnofsky performance status was significantly better in patients receiving mycobacterium w. Similarly, effect on lung cancer was also significant with two-third showing regression in tumour size in mycobacterium w group. These also get reflected in improvement in the lung function.