설계인자와 질소산화물(NOx) 발생과의 상관관계 고찰
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has introduced Annex Ⅵ of MARPOL 73/78 - regarding the prevention of air pollution from ships in order to prevent the global environment and rectified the adoption of the regulations. Emissions from sea-going vessels are known as Nitrogen Oxide(NOx), Sulphur Oxide(SOx), Green House Gas(GHG), Particulate Matter(PM) emissions from diesel engines, Volatile Organic Compounds emission from ships. In particular, IMO has highlighted NOx emission regulations. The tightened future IMO NOx regulations (IMO Tier Ⅱ and Tier Ⅲ) have been adopted and the new regulations are scheduled to be executed in 2011 and 2016. At present most engine manufacturers have been making their utmost effort to comply with future IMO regulations and this paper is describing NOx test results through application of optimal components design to have optimized combustion for the compliance with IMO Tier Ⅱ.