Use of high performance computing in meteorology : proceedings of the Twelfth ECMWF Workshop, Reading, UK, 30 October - 3 November 2006

Computational Efficiency of the ECMWF Forecasting System (D Salmond) Recent Developments of NCEP GFS for High Performance Computing (H-M H Juang) Multi-Scale Simulator for the Geoenvironment: MSSG and Simulations (K Takahashi) Progress with the GEMS Project (A Hollingsworth) Variational Kalman Filtering on Parallel Computers (H Auvinen et al.) A New Partitioning Approach for ECMWF's Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) (G Mozdzynski) What SMT Can Do for You (J Hague) Efficient Coupling of Iterative Models (R W Ford et al.) Analytic MPI Scalability on a Flat Switch (G W Vandenberghe) Role of Precision in Meteorological Computing: A Study Using the NMITLI Varsha GCM (T N Venkatesh & U N Sinha) and other papers.