The purposes of this research were to improve learning by analyzing and finding: lesson plan, learning implementation, assessment, increase creative thinking. The place of research was at SMAN 1 Way Jepara.The results of this research teachers were able to design lesson plans through scientific approach to the final score of 4.11 on the first cycle, the final score of 4.22 on the second cycle, the final score of 4.28 on the third cycle; student learning activity increased from the first cycle to the third cycle of 8 active students, and teachers in the learning activity increased from the first cycle to the third cycle of 3.53; the results of the analysis of items on average each end of the first cycle to the third cycle of medium difficulty level (0.69). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki  pembelajaran dengan menganalisis dan menemukan: rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran; pelaksanaan pembelajaran; asesmen; peningkatan berpikir kreatif.Tempat penelitian di SMAN 1 Way Jepara.Hasil penelitian guru mampu merancang RPP dengan pendekatan saintifik hasil akhir siklus pertama skor 4.11, siklus kedua skor 4.22,  siklus ketiga skor 4.28; aktivitas belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus pertama sampai siklus ketiga sebesar 8 siswa aktif, dan aktivitas guru dalam pembelajaran meningkat dari siklus pertama sampai siklus ketiga sebesar 3.53; hasil analisis butir soal rata-rata setiap akhir siklus pertama sampai siklus ketiga tingkat kesukaran sedang (0.69), daya beda cukup (0.46), validitas sangat tinggi (0.84), reliabilitas tinggi (0.89) Kata kunci : berpikir kreatif, kooperatif, STAD berantai