The integrated management of measurement entities distributed over interconnected networks

Presents the design of a simple application layer protocol, the framework of which permits the implementation of management functions is providing the integrated management of measurement entities distributed over interconnected networks. High performance passive monitors examine all traffic on their individual network segments and learn relevant information necessary to provide LAN standards to one or more management nodes. An overview of the evolution of network management products and their role is presented. Next the five broad functional areas of management recommended by the ISO are discussed. An internet management environment model is then outlined. Specifications related to the LAN and monitoring devices are reviewed and trade-offs deliberated upon, for the model. A brief mention of the monitor design and management node software functions is provided to outline the requirements they place on the management protocol design. Following this, the monitor management service environment is outlined, communication facilities specified and services listed. Finally, the monitor management protocol is presented; usage assumed from other application and presentation layer services are reviewed and protocol elements defined.<<ETX>>